Asti to train asylum seekers for labour market

“Lux-Wow” is aimed at applicants for international protection with limited access to the local labour market.

“As the procedures for asylum applications last very long and are sometimes very complicated, asylum seekers are often poorly prepared for labour market in Luxemburg”, writes Asti in a statement released yesterday.

A new project called “Lux-Wow”, developed by the long-established support association is set to train asylum seekers and provide them with the tools necessary in order to find a job in Luxembourg. Therefore Asti has planned a first series of four workshops (all taking place in April) during which asylum seekers will be taught skills such as preparing a CV or a job interview. They will also have the opportunity for developing a career objective, getting to know more about Luxembourg’s labour market itself, as well as training centers and job search tools.

During the course, which is entirely free, participants will be trained to attend job interviews and guided individually along all four sessions, with regard to their personal skills and career objective.“The goal of this project is to give the asylum seekers the tools they need to find a job in Luxemburg. Therefore they need some training, because every country has different claims on job candidates”, Asti says.

The first series of four sessions will be held on April 9th, 11th, 16th and 18th in the morning. Participants are entitled to a participation certificate if they have attended one or more courses. Applicants should write to or call 43 83 88 – 1 for appointments.

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