Kulturpodcast: Um Canapé mat der woxx #40 – Can we make music tours carbon-neutral?

The environmental impact of the music scene is growing, as is the public awareness and attention on musicians. One artist who is taking a different approach in the music industry is singer-songwriter Aditi Veena.

(Copyright: Isabel Spigarelli)

Singer-songwriter Ditty is based in Berlin and sings about making forests, not war. Apart from taking inspiration from nature, she walks the talk: In 2020, she went on her first carbon-neutral tour across India. This month, she just completed a smaller tour across Europe, with stops in Berlin, Frankfurt and Amsterdam. Before the end of her tour, the Woxx team met her to discuss how musicians can counter the environmental impact of the music industry.

What does a carbon-neutral tour entail? How scaleable is it? And why will it take her 40 years to compensate her emissions? Listen in to our latest episode Um Canapé mat der woxx to find out!





De Podcast abonnéieren: mat Apple Podcasts (iTunes) / op Spotify / mat Android.

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